The Link is a company that provides pathways to identify and use one’s inherent talents, opening doors to help business and individuals clarify their VISION. It is a safe place to cultivate an influential VOICE. And it provides access to a COMMUNITY of renowned experts, peers and mentors.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Catching up

So, I know we've been a bit delinquent in adding to our blog. I could give you a bunch of excuses but it’s just not my style! What I will say is that I am thankful that Google finally let us in!

So I'll be honest...starting in May of 2009, we really noticed a difference in the way people are attending events. In our 7th year, we thought about how to reinvent the intimate, meaningful events that bring smart, interesting women together in a different way. No offense to the hotels in town but we needed to try a few new venues. Our members wanted us to shake it up a bit. So, starting in April, we started using smaller venues, limiting the size and expanding the offering to include a glass of champagne. The reaction has been amazing! The energy is just different! It sort of feels like the early days of The Link!

For members only - We discontinued the members only dinner and will be replacing it with a new format this fall that will be less formal. These events create an opportunity for members to get to know each other on a deeper level.

Here's what's been happening...

We'll start backwards so to be as current as possible.

In June, Lisa Sedler, the COO/President of our local crown jewel, New Seasons Market, was the featured speaker. Lisa is smart, interesting, INTERESTED and speaks from the heart!! Here's a video to share a bit about the evening with a few people who answered the question "Why are you here tonight?” (Aren't we getting fancy!)

The evening got rave reviews!!! The food at Chez Joly is amazing and the ambiance is spectacular! As we expected, the room was a bit cramped since we SOLD OUT! We are getting allot of good comments about limiting the number to 40....attendees feel as though they can meet more fabulous people! All comments were exceptional for the speaker. Here's a sample of the remarks:

Really great event - impressive woman who represents a business really representative of this city and which is on the frontline of its industry.

Lisa was a terrific speaker; so honest, authentic and REAL. It was a pleasure to spend an evening listening to her. Not only is she working for a company that seems to hold the same values that I do but was frank about the struggles New Seasons has as well.

I do enjoy a more intimate setting with limited amount of guest. The venue seemed full and comfortable.

Great food. A little too crowded of a room for good conversation. Otherwise fabulous.

In April, an extraordinary entrepreneur, Sunny Kobe Cook, joined us, traveling to Portland from her home in Seattle. If you lived in Portland in the early 90's, you know Sunny! The founder of Sleep Country USA, Sunny ruled the airwaves and the jingle still echoes in my head! She sold it (bigtime!) and is now a motivational speaker and business coach.

Her specific words of wisdom:
1. Talk to everyone!
2. Try something NEW everyday!
3. Be Grateful!

This was our 1st event at Chez Joly and we were WOWED by the food and gracious welcome from the owners, Annette and Christian Joly! They also offered each person a glass of champagne as they entered the room! Check them out at

As with any new venue, we had a few kinks to work out but overall, it was great! Escargot, Pommes Frites and Champagne...what else does a girl need?

Some comments about the evening:

Tremendously uplifting amazing evening. This was my first time and I will be back and bring others. What perfect timing in my life to join such a great organization.

I like SKC's 3 recommendations...something to walk away with! Super group of women last night...lots of new faces...! Always a treat to see you all!

Hi - this was my first meeting, and I loved it. Sunny was inspirational, with some great "quick tips" for empowering oneself. The members are welcoming, professional and fun - and - yummy - those pommel frites. Thank you for a great evening.

I LOVED the space and the food and the charming owners.... I didn't like the LOUD, ongoing noise of the kitchen appliances....

In March we addressed a serious issue for women, Heart Disease. Did you know that...heart disease and stroke is the #1 killer of women! Dr. Sandra Lewis has been studying the female heart since 1986 and is recognized as one of the best cardiologists in the country! Ambassadors for the Go Red for Women campaign were there to share their story, including Kathy Ryan, who, while running in Hood to Coast, suffered a heart attack. The petite, fit, marathon runner is the last person you would guess to have heart disease. Her story was captivating!

The event was at Hotel DeLuxe and while we love this space, the food was a bit off this time.

Comments on the event:

Dr Lewis was warm & friendly as well as knowledgeable.

The food was lousy this time!

Loved the evening and learned allot!

In January, Bill McCormick, founder and Chairman of McCormick and Schmick's, kicked off the year with lunch at the Hotel DeLuxe.

We loved highlighting this exceptional man and hearing his fascinating story. Bill is the ultimate host and raconteur. Returning last year from a 3 year assignment in New Zealand as the Ambassador, his perspective on world affairs was an unexpected addition to his life story. The lovely Gail McCormick, a 2x speaker for The Link, joined her husband at the event and was acknowledged for the great work she has done around the world as well. What a team!

Comments included:

He and Gail have also had a wonderful partnership/marriage and it was nice to see him speak to her and the things they have endeavored to do as a team.
Interesting story but little take away.

Meeting over lunch was a great idea. Thanks for such an inspiring speaker -- Bill is someone to emulate!

We're caught up...whew! You can check back monthly now!

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